While we are on the subject I thought I might share some recent research I did in comparing the evangelistic outreach of both, the SDAs and the WTS.
1. Number of Lands Operating in:
WTS: 237
SDA: 207
At first glance it might appear that the WTS has a wider outreach than the SDAs, until we recall that Cedars recently posted a chart showing how, in 30 unnamed lands the WTS presence was either minimal, or outright fictional. Subtracting this figure leaves both groups operating in the same battleground, and they are competing for market share in largely the same market.
2. Languages used in Publishing:
WTS: 197
SDA:: 377
Obviously the outreach here is much more weighted in the SDA favour. It appears that they take their responsibilities in this matter more seriously than the WTS
3. Charitable Outreach:
WTS: None
ADRA is the name for the worldwide charity legally established by the SDAs and operating internationally. It stands for Adventist Development and Relief Agency.
4. Health Care for the Poor:
WTS: None
SDA: 137 Hospitals worldwide
When I lived in India where I was born of mixed British Indian parentage, and where I pioneered as a Wt Follower in the 60s and 70, doing absolutely nothing for the people, the SDAs were building the first cancer hospital in Inda at Chennai [Madras]. Named the Ira B Scudder Cancer Hospital it was gifted to the people of India forever, to be used to provide moderately priced health care for the poor.
5. Income from Membership:
WTS: Closely guarded secret, believed to be declining
SDA: 2.2 Billion Dollars
This large figure can be accounted for in the SDA group because they exact a tithe from the membership.
6. Charity Payouts:
WTS: None.
SDA: 2.2 Million Dollars
If there are any charitable contributions made in the WTS, these are from the membership at large, and never from the closely guarded coffers of the leadership. Also, any such charity is largely in-house rather than for outsiders. As one can see, the SDA leadership at least tries to live up to its creed. Approximately a tithe of offerings given to them goes to charitable outreach.
7. Worldwide Membership:
WTS: 7.2. Million
SDA: 17.3 Million
Both figures are approximate and are both taken from the official web sites.
5. India Figures:
WTS :32,000
SDA: 900,000
Both figures, are again approximate.
6. India Baptisms:
WTS: 2,000
SDA: 25,000
7.Worldwide baptisms:
WTS 300,000
SDA: 1.1 Million
Again the figures will vary yearly, and are approximate.
Both groups seem to be in decline in the same areas, ie, the developed world, but for different reasons. As far as the WTS is concerned, this decline appears to be related to the rise of Internet usage which exposes some of the more outlandish claims made by the largely secretive leadership.
In the case of the SDAs, it appears that their Church is undergoing a sharp identity crises along with, in North America at least, bad managment. The theological debates regarding dependance on Ellen White and the works/salvation area refuse to go away, and while the Church Leadership continues to decline any genuine attempt at reconciling this division, defections are continuing at an increasing rate. There are now more SDAs in India than there are in the USA!
Are the SDAs more culturally diverse and internationally spread than the WTS? No figures are available from the WTS, but SDA figures are:
African Membership: 37%
Hispanic Membership: 30%
East Asian Membership: 14%
Caucasian Membership: 11%
Others: 6%